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Retro is a small, minimalistic dialect of Forth.

The Retro language has a rich history going back to 1998 when it was first released as a 16-bit standalone Forth for x86 PC's. Since then it's evolved through use into its present form, which is a 32-bit implementation running on a portable virtual machine called Ngaro. Today Retro runs on all major operating systems, and thanks to a JavaScript implementation of the virtual machine, on any modern web browser.

The code and documentation for Retro are gifted to the public domain. You may use them freely and without restriction.

Mailing List

Questions, comments, need help? Join our mailing list (below) or visit #retro on



Release 10.0 (January 2009)

Prior releases can be found in the archive.


Retro has been reported to work on the following platforms:

  • Windows XP, Vista
  • Linux (x86, x86-64, Alpha)
  • MacOS X 10.5 (Intel)
  • BeOS R5 (Intel)
  • FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFly BSD
  • Browsers: IE6, IE7, FF2, FF3, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Songbird

Try it

If you have JavaScript enabled, you can try a minimal Retro system is running in your browser. Click the link below, then enter your code in the box below. Use space between words and at the end of a line.

Start Retro